Are Senior loved ones well cared for?

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Our Elderly population needs support when in rehabilitation centers and in nursing homes.  Any person, who spends a great deal of time visiting a loved one at centers of this type, likely will witness similar occurrences as the ones described below.  The scenarios that follow were compiled from many visits, during 13 days, 14 days, and 28 days (for a total of 55 days) to three different rehabilitation centers during a time span of just over one year.  They are descriptions of some of the actual observations made or circumstances experienced.  Important website links are included at the end of this post for your information and convenience.

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Buying Long Term Care Insurance

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Buying long term care insurance – Is it right for you? Is it costly? What does it cover? Will it be available to you when you feel you need it? A professional in the field can, and will, answer all of these questions. Each of us has the power to make “our own best decisions” for ourselves provided we have enough information to do so. The information you use to… Read More »Buying Long Term Care Insurance